Take action!
Save earth's last iconic species.
We are a coalition of concerned citizens. We write to you demanding urgent action at CITES-CoP19, scheduled for November 2022 in Panama City, Panama.
The Earth is experiencing its sixth mass-extinction. Functionally indistinguishable, both the legal and illegal trade of wildlife accelerates the demise of imperiled species. Buttressed by a lack of culpability, the networks sponsoring poaching, trafficking, trophy hunting and traditional medicines exploit loopholes and circumvent the law. The unmitigated trade of endangered fauna and flora underwrites degraded habitat, geo-political unrest, depleted wild populations and zoonoses.
Framed in this backdrop, CITES-CoP19 and its member nations must guarantee regulation ensuring the protection of Earth’s last wild inhabitants. Failure to fortify the interface between human activities and the lives of wild animals and plants will set the stage for future pandemics, economic failure, extinction events, and ecological collapse.
Even as economic considerations are factored, nature must be valued over money. #NatureNotMoney.
Dear CITES representative of member nations
Vote on the right side of history. Support the DEMANDS made by the global community to protect iconic species.
Join the coalition and ACT. Write to the CITES CoP19 Representatives of member nations to vote on the right side of history and support demands made by the global community to protect iconic species.
Seven demands
- List all African elephants on Appendix I. Specifically:
- Support the proposal by Burkina Faso, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, and Senegal to transfer African Elephant populations in Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe from Appendix II to Appendix I.
- Oppose Zimbabwe’s proposal concerning elephant populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.
- Close all loopholes in Appendix I and Appendix II permitting the live capture and trade of elephants.
- Maintain the international ban on rhino horn trade. Specifically:
- Oppose the proposal by Namibia and Botswana to transfer Namibia’s population of southern white rhinos from Appendix I to Appendix II to facilitate trophy hunting and live animal trade for in-situ conservation purposes.
- Move Oophaga vicentei to CITES Appendix I.
- Prohibit the import and export of trophies.
- Regulate the trade of Traditional Medicines using the body parts of IUCN red-listed animals.
- Implement and enforce an e-permit registration system in all participating member-nations.