Plastic Pollution: The Clean-Up

When you think of Africa, the images that come to mind could hardly be more different: the giant dunes of the deserts, the dense green of the rainforest, the vast plains of the savannah. Magnificent ecosystems, protected in extensive national parks and reserves. But also: poverty in many communities, thronging people in the overcrowded big cities, inadequately equipped schools (or the lack of them) and litter by the side of the road everywhere. All these very different images of Africa are interconnected and interdependent.

Reducing waste, for example, would improve the quality of life in communities and keep national parks clean. And that is exactly why GMFER, Mizu Eco-Care and Eco-Rising Zambia launched the BEAT(ing) PLASTIC POLLUTION project on 5 June, International Environment Day.

January 5, 2023


The Scent of Rain and Life

The smell of rain on dry earth hangs in the air. A light breeze provides cooling. The rainy season completely changes the appearance of the savannah: the sparse landscape of yellowish-golden grass and bare trees has become a dense jungle teeming with life. Toto was right: I bless the rains down in Africa!

December 17, 2022


A Cry, Red in Tooth and Claw

Jaguars have already lost about half of their natural habitat in the tropical rainforest of Central and Southern America. In addition, they are frequently shot by farmers, miners and loggers who want to protect their livestock or themselves. So it is not surprising that jaguars are classified as near threatened. This may soon worsen, however, because there is a new threat to the wild felines: the illegal trade in jaguars and their body parts, driven in particular by China.

December 4, 2022


A Cry Making The Feathers Fly

This parrot is up to 90 cm tall, lives in Central and South America and has a beautiful green and blue plumage. And it is because of this beautiful plumage that Great Green Macaws are hunted or illegally traded as pets. Their greatest threat, however, is the loss of their habitat: This macaw is associated with the mountain almond tree, an endangered plant that is nevertheless being cut down. There are now only about 500 to 1000 Great Green Macaws left in the wild.

October 31, 2022


River Full of Light

The call of the fish eagle resounds early in the morning. It welcomes the new day. Babblers intone their harsh song. A few black crakes join in the chorus. The wingbeat of a flock of geese sounds sharply from the sky. And the mighty Okavango gently laps.

October 23, 2022


A Cry From A Fading Rainbow

They are small, slimy and come in all colours of the rainbow: Harlequin toads inhabit the rainforests of South and Central America. They are considered an indicator of a healthy ecosystem. But how healthy is the rainforest ecosystem? After all, 83 % of the 94 known species are threatened with extinction.

October 18, 2022


Worth a Stop, Worth a Photo

Impalas are among the most beautiful antelopes in South Africa. Their coat, always meticulously groomed, shines in the warm sunlight, they move gracefully through the waist-high grass, and when threatened they perform elegant aerial leaps. They are one of the many treasures the African bush has to offer. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of this.

Our wild world in the time of COVID

“In an increasingly challenging context where development is leading to a rapid loss of wildlife habitat – one of the main causes of extinction – each of us can responsibly play a pivotal role in protecting wildlife habitat. If we help save animal species, we will save the whole Earth”
Chaga Graham

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