Plastic Pollution: The Clean-Up
When you think of Africa, the images that come to mind could hardly be more different: the giant dunes of the deserts, the dense green of the rainforest, the vast plains of the savannah. Magnificent ecosystems, protected in extensive national parks and reserves. But also: poverty in many communities, thronging people in the overcrowded big cities, inadequately equipped schools (or the lack of them) and litter by the side of the road everywhere. All these very different images of Africa are interconnected and interdependent.
Reducing waste, for example, would improve the quality of life in communities and keep national parks clean. And that is exactly why GMFER, Mizu Eco-Care and Eco-Rising Zambia launched the BEAT(ing) PLASTIC POLLUTION project on 5 June, International Environment Day.

Worth a Stop, Worth a Photo
Impalas are among the most beautiful antelopes in South Africa. Their coat, always meticulously groomed, shines in the warm sunlight, they move gracefully through the waist-high grass, and when threatened they perform elegant aerial leaps. They are one of the many treasures the African bush has to offer. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of this.
September 12, 2021
Ecosystems, Elephants, Lions, Poaching & Wildlife Trafficking, Rhinos, Traditional Chinese Medicine, WildlifeOur wild world in the time of COVID
“In an increasingly challenging context where development is leading to a rapid loss of wildlife habitat – one of the main causes of extinction – each of us can responsibly play a pivotal role in protecting wildlife habitat. If we help save animal species, we will save the whole Earth”
Chaga Graham
September 12, 2021
WildlifeThe lost kingdom
This old boy will be gone soon, his gait, his tattered ears, his interactions with the sounder of warthogs around him, how often he’s challenged, the frequency of his “rest-stops”… they tell a story of a creature hanging on to the last vestiges of power, of dominance. Yes, he’s still able to chase away younger bulls, defend his territory and protect his “food”, but, barely, barely; the circle is closing in.

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