Thai tourism elephants trekked back to forests hoping they could forage naturally
Veteran photographer, Adam Oswell who has visited several villages, documents the fate of the captive elephants, now allowed to co-exist peacefully with the rural communities who earn an extra income from tourists that visit to observe them. Source: Mongabay Image Credit: Pexels.com

Inga people to intensify their case against Canadian oil company in Amazon
At least seven Indigenous reserves that are home to the Inga people in Villagarzón municipality have been overlooked when license were granted to the local subsidiary of the Canadian oil company way back in 2014. The Indigenous people’s right to prior consultation has been violated while seeking license from the National Environmental Licensing Authority (ANLA) […]

Jane Goodall urges protection for the big cats and mercy for imprisoned scientists studying them
In an open letter, the scientists point out the increasing conflicts, sanctions and political tensions impacting the conservation of the Persian leopard in the 11 countries they inhabit and seven imprisoned scientists dedicated to defend them. Source: Mongabay Image Credit: Pexels.com

$150m Bond to save South Africa’s black rhino and communities
Black rhino is an umbrella species that helps shape the ecosystems on which the other species and economies depend on. Rhinos are slaughtered every single day for their horns. First-of-its-kind financial instrument – Sustainable Development Bond, also known as “Rhino Bond” that releases funds to save black rhinos and helping the communities has been issued […]

Innovative solutions to save the last elephants of Laos
The total elephant population of Laos is an alarmingly low number of around 800. For decades, elephants of Laos have had to face a painful life in captivity while being used in the logging industry. Re-introducing the ex-captive elephants to the wild is one of the innovative solutions Elephant Conservation Centre (ECC), working together with […]

Environmentalists fear the growth of demand for traditional Chinese medicine in Africa
Environmentalists fear the potential growth of demand for traditional Chinese medicine could encourage poachers to go after endangered wildlife species such as rhinos. Source: VOA news Image Credit: Pexels.com

GGA report reveals that the value of trophy hunting to conservation has been hugely exaggerated
Although hunting organisations and the Department of Forestry, Fishing and the Environment (DFFE) justifies that trophy-hunting quota is allowed in order to generate income for the rural communities while contributing towards healthy management of animal numbers and removing excess male populations, study carried out by GGA proves otherwise. Source: Daily Maverick Image Credit: Pexels.com

Shout out to all tiger ranged countries and stakeholders to lead tiger conservation sans politics
Contrary to the primary goals set for tiger conservation, the intervention of politics has dissuaded tiger ranged countries from achieving significant goals. However, the planned Global Tiger Summit in September is set to address mistakes made, analyze new projects, funding, and management plans. Source: Mongabay Image Credit: Pexels.com

A glimmer of hope for conservation of Sri Lanka’s pangolin
The Indian pangolins, forming a small population in Sri Lanka have been threatened by hunting for bushmeat. Pangolin meat is a sought-after delicacy, falsely believed to help several medical conditions. The developing trend of pangolins being captured for trafficking overseas imposes a further threat on these shy and vulnerable animals. Having observed the lack of […]

April 27, 2022
Climate, Ecosystems, GMFER’s Annual Events, GMFER’s Campaigns, GMFER’s Programs, Rhinos, Traditional Chinese Medicine, WildlifeHow will Climate Change affect Nepal’s rhinos?
“Ganesh Pant worries about the future. While he delights in the stunning conservation accomplishment that has seen the numbers of greater one-horned rhinos in Nepal jump from 100 in 1965 to 752 in 2021, he wants to be sure that success will continue.” Source: The Guardian Image Credit: TBD

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