Chennai – a heaven for exotic animal trafficking
Chennai airport is ranked among the top airports in Asia where smuggling goes on due to its long trading history and firmly established routes with South East Asian countries. TRAFFIC’s India state that a USAID, having analysed trafficking trends reported that Chennai airport is a key destination and serves as an origin point for traffickers. […]

August 30, 2022
Conservation, Elephants, Endangered Fauna and Flora, GMFER’s Campaigns, Lions, Rhinos, Trophy huntingDid you ever wonder what goes on in the mind of a trophy hunter?
The findings are based on a research, analyzing 455 hunting stories from online hunting fora, hand picking 2,864 individual phrases. Source: The Conversation Image Credit: Pexels

Shout out to all tiger ranged countries and stakeholders to lead tiger conservation sans politics
Contrary to the primary goals set for tiger conservation, the intervention of politics has dissuaded tiger ranged countries from achieving significant goals. However, the planned Global Tiger Summit in September is set to address mistakes made, analyze new projects, funding, and management plans. Source: Mongabay Image Credit: Pexels.com

April 27, 2022
Climate, Ecosystems, GMFER’s Annual Events, GMFER’s Campaigns, GMFER’s Programs, Rhinos, Traditional Chinese Medicine, WildlifeHow will Climate Change affect Nepal’s rhinos?
“Ganesh Pant worries about the future. While he delights in the stunning conservation accomplishment that has seen the numbers of greater one-horned rhinos in Nepal jump from 100 in 1965 to 752 in 2021, he wants to be sure that success will continue.” Source: The Guardian Image Credit: TBD

April 27, 2022
GMFER’s Annual Events, GMFER’s Campaigns, GMFER’s Programs, Lions, Poaching, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wildlife100s of Asiatic lions die within two years
“Gandhinagar: As many as 283 Asiatic lions have died over the last two years, the Gujarat government has told the state assembly. In response to questions in the House on Monday, forest and environment minister Kiritsinh Rana said 159 deaths were reported in 2020 and 124 in 2021.” Source: Hindustan Times Image Credit: TBD

1000s of African elephant lives threatened by fossil fuel extraction
The Okavango Delta watershed is a pristine and biologically rich region; it is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. ReconAfrica, a Canadian oil and gas exploration company has recently begun the 2nd stage of its seismic survey in the Delta, searching for oil and gas with the blessing of the Namibian Government. Elephant populations in […]

Can Traditional Chinese Medicine cause pandemics? Why did the WHO endorse TCM?
Scientists are still unraveling the COVID-19 origins story; initial analysis submitted that a bat was the likely reservoir host, and, while a pangolin has not been ruled out as the vector inducing “spillover”, the intermediate host or hosts remain undetermined in the absence of sufficient probabilistic accuracy. Whether the virus emerged at the Wuhan live […]

In a reckless move the World Health Organization endorses Traditional Chinese Medicine
“China has been pushing for wider global acceptance of traditional medicines, which brings in some $50 billion in annual revenue for the nation’s economy. And in 2016 Margaret Chan, then the WHO director, praised China’s plans to do so. But while it’s a good idea to catalogue TCM and make health workers aware of treatments […]

The World Health Organization’s decision to endorse TCM will backfire
“This donkey rush is driven by the annual 15-billion-yuan (US$2.2-billion) market for ejiao, a gelatin made by boiling donkey skins. It is a highly prized ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), believed to stop bleeding and fight coughs and cancer. Demand has surged over the past few decades as China’s wealthy population has grown: a […]

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