August 30, 2022
Conservation, Elephants, Endangered Fauna and Flora, GMFER’s Campaigns, Lions, Rhinos, Trophy huntingDid you ever wonder what goes on in the mind of a trophy hunter?
The findings are based on a research, analyzing 455 hunting stories from online hunting fora, hand picking 2,864 individual phrases. Source: The Conversation Image Credit: Pexels

Interesting trivia about Lions as the world marks Lion Day
This highly adaptable species is believed to be the only species where the individuals roar together, including the young cubs. Source: ZeeBiz Image Credit: Pixabay

Infamous wildlife trophy hunter gunned down in South Africa
Naude was known for killing elephants and lions and uploading photos of himself next to the dead animal. Source: Independent Image Credit: Pexels

July 19, 2022
Biodiversity, Climate, Communities, Community engagement, Conservation, Ecosystems, Elephant habitats, Endangered Fauna and Flora, LionsAfrican leaders’ summit identifies strategy to conserve protected areas on land and sea
Kigali summit – the IUCN Africa Protected Areas Congress (Apac) is set to attract approximately 3,000 delegates from 54 countries, including Indigenous and community representatives. Source: The Guardian Image Credit: Pexels.com

Incredibly rare video captures hostility between rhinos and lions
The owner of a nearby retreat claims that such encounters have been reported only twice in a period of six years View the video on Independent TV Image Credit: Pexels.com

July 5, 2022
Community engagement, Lions, Trophy hunting, Wildlife, Wildlife Conservation, Wildlife TrackingStudy on how banning of trophy hunting imports helps wildlife conservation
Prof. Hans Brauen, extensively experienced working with several international organisations commands 25 years of research on lions in many parts of Africa. Research reveals how trophy hunting doesn’t help wildlife in most parts of Africa and points out that the local communities benefit next to nothing from the continued programme of trophy hunting. Source: The […]

April 27, 2022
GMFER’s Annual Events, GMFER’s Campaigns, GMFER’s Programs, Lions, Poaching, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wildlife100s of Asiatic lions die within two years
“Gandhinagar: As many as 283 Asiatic lions have died over the last two years, the Gujarat government has told the state assembly. In response to questions in the House on Monday, forest and environment minister Kiritsinh Rana said 159 deaths were reported in 2020 and 124 in 2021.” Source: Hindustan Times Image Credit: TBD

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