100s of Botswana elephants die from uninvestigated ‘mystery’
“The NGO Global March for Elephants and Rhinos noted that it was also vital for the carcasses to be guarded, that the tusks remain intact and that forensically viable blood, tissue and organ samples were in fact obtained. It was also important to know when they were obtained and where they are now.”
Source: GMFER | Daily Maverick

In a reckless move the World Health Organization endorses Traditional Chinese Medicine
“Until they undergo rigorous testing for purity, efficacy, dosage and safety, the WHO should remove traditional medicines from its list. These remedies should be given the same scrutiny as other treatments before being included in standard care practices.”
Source: Scientific American

The World Health Organization’s decision to endorse TCM will backfire
“This situation is all the more troubling because there is little evidence that the preparations made from these animal products actually deliver the promised benefits.”
Source: Nature

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